Welcome back after a long break including holidays and job changing. I am back now and planning some changes on the blog as well so stay updated! I am also very exited about my classes starting next week  and officially being an interior design student so wish me luck! Nothing feels better than making your passion and dreams come true and knowing that you are on the right path!

Today another 1 item = 3 styles, I just love how accessories and details can totally change the room. So the main actor in this set is this black Salute sofa from sofa.com which I love for its simplicity and ability to adjust to any style! Have a look and chose your favourite one: Quircky, Elegant or with a little Masculine touch.

Sofa / Wallpaper / Armchair / Coffee table / Stool / Rug / Cushions 1 2 / Chandelier / Faux fur throw

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